Odebírat novinky
Event venue - LETŇANY

Cancel of trade fair

Dear Business Partners,

with regard to extraordinary government measures imposed due to the global pandemic SARS-CoV-2, and related restrictive measures, which currently do not allow mass events, including trade fairs, we are forced to cancel the spring concurrence of trade fairs FOR PASSIVE, FOR WOOD, FOR THERM, FOR INTERIOR spring, FOR GARDEN and DESIGN SHAKER planned for  15 – 18 April 2021.


We will return to the canceled trade fairs next year, at the following dates:


- FOR PASIV, FOR WOOD and FOR THERM: 10 – 12 February  2022

- FOR INTERIOR spring, FOR GARDEN and DESIGN SHAKER: 31 March – 3 April 2022


Dear exhibitors, we appreciate very much the current level of mutual cooperation and we look forward to meeting you soon at PVA EXPO PRAGUE in Letňany!

Plan of exhibition area

Enquiry participation
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